Thursday, February 9, 2017

February 8th, 2017

I really enjoyed today, it was Day 6 of Vancouver's cold snap. The final day. Right now it is freezing rain and sometime between now and when I wake up, the temperature will rise above 0 and the freezing rain will turn to just rain.

I got two things accomplished today, I got an email today saying my name was registered to coach softball this summer. I am looking forward to that. It really should keep me busy this spring.

Secondly, I was able to finish my website. That was something I started in December and I have worked off and on with. Not sure exactly how it will fit in my schedule but it is a good step in the right direction. Something that I have procrastinated about for almost two years. At first, it took awhile to figure out what I wanted to do for society.

This evening I was able to watch sports. Two basketball games. 1 College and one NBA. I put $2 on the Raptors winning tonight, that didn't turn out so well but no big deal.

Shoveled snow for maybe the last time this year and then at the end of the day went for a hot tub. Muscles are now relaxed.

I found my HDMI cord I was looking for since August. That was a relief and I'll be able to enjoy College Basketball now.

Things I want to research tomorrow:
Copa Libertadores
How could College Basketball be more competitive 
NHL Mock Draft 
NBA Mock Draft 

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